SEO Tips for Small Businesses


If you want to learn more about SEO, you’ll find a great list of resources here. It’s always a good idea to read some of the most recent content on a topic you’re interested in, so that you can stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments.

SEO Tips for Small Businesses

Having a website is great but if no one can find it, then it’s useless. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the name of the game and it’s important that you make sure your site is accessible to search engines so that they can find it and include it in search results.

If your website is not SEO friendly then Google will not rank your content for queries or even show it in search results. Frankly there are hundreds of SEO best practices that you should do to ensure your website is user-friendly so that search engines love using it.

Here are the five most important ones. A perfect web design does wonders for SEO, making your webpage SEO ready means adding tags and implementing the right colours. Check out this quick guide to SEO-friendly web design.

All text on a webpage should be in the English language unless this doesn’t make sense for search engines and you’re specifically targeting non-English speaking audiences. Using keywords within your text will help search engines to understand the purpose of your page and content so that they can rank it easier for particular keywords. To optimize your text SEO, you can use the following special characters for SEO purposes.

Students will know all about the importance of using keywords when writing academic research but there are many other reasons to optimise your text SEO including improving your SEO visibility. This means making it easy for search engines to crawl your website and index it.

Good writing is punctuated correctly and there’s no excuse for using any kind of exclamation mark.

Having a long punctuation such as these in your text will make search engines interpret it as a question mark or something that isn’t the main point of your sentence. Text is what Google is looking for Google — this is especially important as search engines can’t see keywords. For this, make sure your title, subtitle, and section titles are as clear as possible.


Local SEO

Local SEO is very different from organic SEO. It’s all about getting your business listed correctly on Google Maps and Google Local. If you have a physical store, then you want to get your address listed correctly.

If you have a website, then you want to get your address, phone number, and hours of operation listed on Google Maps and Google Local.


One of the first things you need to know about local SEO is that it is very competitive and you need to treat it that way. There are many variables to consider and it can take time to figure out your niche. To help you out, here is a list of dimensions to focus your SEO efforts on: Google is constantly changing their algorithm to make local search better.

As a result, sites under constant review will have a worse rank. To maintain your current top ranking, you need to remove your site from Google’s index. This is why it’s important to read our article on the basics of webmaster tools.

To do this, head over to your website’s Properties page. From here, you’ll see the Remove from SERPs box and scroll to the bottom. Once there, select Delete and you will be able to start getting back to normal.

Having a good Google Map location is essential to your listings’ ranking on Google Maps. However, these listings don’t lead to search results.

To improve your Google Maps listing, you need to optimize your page to move the traffic to your physical store. Keep in mind that one of the most powerful tools at your disposal is the content marketing, so try implementing various contests.

Keep the context of your competition in mind when you go about your giveaways, but don’t forget to add links back to your social media profiles.

Adding locations to your Google Places accounts is a helpful way to make yourself visible in new areas and also improve your organic search engines. To do this, head over to your Google Places pages. Enable the geo-location tag and add the address of your business.


How to Avoid Mistakes with SEO

If you make mistakes with SEO, then it’s going to affect the way you market yourself and your business. SEO is the first thing that people will see when looking for your business. It’s the first impression that you give, so it’s important that it’s good.

The goal is to improve your SEO skills no matter what industry you work in. Improve search engine rankings is a long-term game.

During this time, you will need to employ a few strategies. These can’t be looked at in a piecemeal manner. If you only employ a few strategy strategies, then you’ll risk being short-changed on the advantage you have.

Imagine if you brush your teeth in the morning and never brush your teeth again after that. That would be terrible. Why would you want to do that?

It’s in the same danger zone as pursuing too much on your SEO journey.

Make sure that you only employ a few SEO strategies. Doing so will allow you to discover which strategies work and which you may want to abandon, resulting in making tweaks and optimization.

Improving your SEO will only succeed if it’s planned. The best way to do this is by scheduling time to execute your strategies.

Developing your strategy plan should only take a few hours.

Marketing is an iterative process. The goal is to find new places to improve.

Many marketers get caught up in the next thing instead of focusing on the things that would help them improve.

It’s important to understand where you got SEO but also how to improve it.

Exploding traffic and search engine optimization are nice-to-haves. This means a certain amount of SEO victory. More commonly, though, seeing more people interested in your product or service.

Marketing that is aligned to your values will come naturally.

When it comes to SEO, it’s important to develop a sense of urgency. It’s important to start implementing tactics that will make a noticeable difference.


Content Marketing

Content marketing is an incredible way to reach a wider audience. It’s also a great way to build credibility and authority in your niche. If you’re a blogger, you can use content marketing to write blog posts that offer value to your audience and help build your brand.You can even use it to build links to your website.” Content marketing is about earning links.

Anchoring content to a blog is helpful, but often superficial. Content that relies on strong anchor text and is more editorial is more likely to attract links from that blog’s readers. If the audience at the blog has a high search potential or share-ability factor compared to your target prospects, you may be able to get them to link to you.

Why do you want a link from their blog?

What you want a link for is a mix of their readers, their pages or other content, and the value that your post brings to their visitor. These are a few reasons these content marketers have written and been successful at getting links.

Financial transaction

Robert Kiyosaki:

A friend once asked me, “What’s the number one reason other people buy your books?” (I’ll paraphrase), Then he said, “Other people buy them to show off to their friends.”


In other words, someone is buying your book so that they can use it as a VR prop. (Did you see the movie, 47 Ronin? Well, they do this with the 47 Ronin books. They don’t show Ren O’ Meyer nearly enough.)

That’s why people buy your books. They’re using them to show-off their status. As a (slightly embarrassed) content marketing nerd, I can kinds of posts that do this. They focus on transactions–communicating value in the form of a story.

But, it’s almost useless without a good navigation system and keyword research map to keep tabs on the flow of traffic. Getting traffic leads to making a sale–which then leads to a second visit to your site or newsletter signup. This is exponential.


Conclusion: For a quick resource on SEO, start with this article!

If you want to learn more about SEO, you’ll find a great list of resources here. It’s always a good idea to read some of the most recent content on a topic you’re interested in, so that you can stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments.

Content is King. Before we get into the actual content-building process, there are a few things you should keep in mind before you start. Since there is such a strong emphasis placed on SEO in order to get high rankings and attract more readers to your content, it’s always recommended that you utilize keywords carefully in your titles and body copy.

There are a number of things you can do with keywords, but let’s go over some of the most common ones and their usage in SEO headlines and body copy.

Search results typically rank as one of three things — user, authority, and site. This means that SEO headlines and body copy should focus on each of these three factors:

1. User (What type of user are they?) — The keywords you choose will affect how users rank for your keyword (Could be a search term for your product or service, for instance.)

2. Authority (How well-known is the brand in that niche?) — One of the most popular keywords in SEO research is known as the “boundary-pushing keyword” — as you place a keyword in front of a keyword that’s potentially competing with other keywords, it forces all higher-ranked keyword phrases into a ranked position.

This means that your overall ranking can be improved since users are forced to consider what other keywords are available to them! This is also known as a preemptive keyword addition! If you want to run a keyword through a list, make sure that it’s a preemptive keyword!

3. Site (What is the authority of this site allowing the keyword to rank?) — Having the anchor text of a site keyword within a keyword helps users guess what the primary keyword source is for a particular search.
